

Simpson G., (2017), Looking beyond incentives: the role of champions in the social acceptance of residential solar energy in regional Australian communities, Local Environment, Online, 1-17

Simpson, G., (2017), Network operators and the transition to decentralised electricity: An Australian socio-technical case study, Energy Policy, 110, 422-433

Simpson, G., (2017), Solar power and policy powerlessness: perceptions of persuasion in distributed residential solar policy development, Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 2, 14

Simpson, G., (2017), Social acceptance of renewable energy in Australia: Community, industry and government perceptions of residential solar energy, Doctoral Thesis, University of Western Australia

Simpson, G., Clifton, J., (2017), Testing Diffusion of Innovations Theory with data: Financial incentives, early adopters, and distributed solar energy in Australia, Energy Research and Social Science, 29, 12-22

Simpson, G., Clifton, J., (2016), Subsidies for residential solar photovoltaic energy systems in Western Australia: Distributional, procedural and outcome justice, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 65

Simpson G., Fullarton, L., (2016), 'The Social Impact: The Fruitloops'. In: L Fullarton (ed.), Watts in the Desert: Pioneering Solar Farming in Australia's Outback, Ibidem, Stuttgart, 159-177

Simpson G., Clifton, J., (2016), Assessing postgraduate student perceptions and measures of learning in a peer review feedback process, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41 (4)

Simpson G., Clifton, J., (2015), The emperor and the cowboys: The role of government policy and industry in the adoption of domestic solar microgeneration systems, Energy Policy, 81

Simpson G., Clifton, J., (2014), Consultation, Participation and Policy-Making: Evaluating Australia's Renewable Energy Target, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 73 (1)

Simpson G., Clifton, J., (2014), Picking winners and policy uncertainty: Stakeholder perceptions of Australia's Renewable Energy Target, Renewable Energy, 67

Simpson, G., Clifton, J., (2010), Funding and Facilitation: implications of changing government policy for the future of voluntary Landcare groups in Western Australia, Australian Geographer, 41 (3)

Simpson, G., (2009), Commonwealth and Community: Federal policy and Landcare groups in Western Australia, Thesis developed as part of an Honours program, University of Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2017), Solar policy and policy powerlessness - Perceptions of persuasion in residential solar energy policy development, World Renewable Energy Congress Conference, Murdoch University, Perth Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2016), Do energy utilities limit the penetration of renewable energy in regional Western Australia?, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2016, University of South Australia, Adelaide Australia

Simpson, G., (2016), Costs and benefits of an informal solar community organisation: the ‘Fruitloops’ of Carnarvon, Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity 2016, Manly Novotel, Sydney Australia

Simpson, G., (2016), Reflecting on the UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme – lessons learned and lessons worth learning, Western Australian Teaching and Learning Forum 2016, Curtin University, Perth Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2015), Policy in practice: Multi-stakeholder perspectives on solar energy policies in regional communities, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2015, Australian National University, Canberra Australia

Simpson, G., (2015), Analysing student perceptions and measures of learning in a Master's level peer review feedback process, Western Australian Teaching and Learning Forum 2015, University of Western Australia, Perth Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2014), Middle-class welfare or just environmentalism? Perceptions of equity, trust and environmental commitment in government subsidisation of domestic solar installations in Western Australia, Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers International Conference 2014, Imperial College London and the Royal Geographical Society, London UK

Simpson, G., (2014), Adoption of domestic solar electricity systems in Western Australia: community reaction to economic signals or empowered contribution to energy sector transition?, Institute of Australian Geographers / New Zealand Geographical Society 2014 Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Victoria

Simpson, G., (2013), Adaptation to climate change through renewable energy: factors affecting adoption of solar electricity in Western Australian households, Institute of Australian Geographers 2013 Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth Western Australia
- Awarded 'Outstanding presentation by a Postgraduate'

Simpson, G., (2013), Australia's Renewable Energy Target - Judgements on Policy Development Processes, World Renewable Energy Congress Conference, Murdoch University, Perth Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2010), Community Landcare Groups in Western Australia: Implications of Commonwealth policy and an assessment of function, Young Professionals in Agriculture Forum 2009/2010, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (WA Branch), Perth Western Australia
- Awarded 'Best Presentation'

Reports, Submissions and other Publications:

Simpson, G., (2016), Reflecting on the UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme, Report prepared on behalf of the UWA Sessional Staff Association and the UWA Postgraduate Students' Association

Simpson, G. ed., (2015), Postscript 2015 - the magazine of the UWA Postgraduate Students' Association, UWA Guild, Perth Western Australia

Simpson, G., (2014), 2014 Renewable Energy Target Review - Submission to the Australian Government, Delivered to Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister

Simpson, G., (2014), Submission to the Australian Government's Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper, Delivered to: Australian Government Department of the Environment

In 2015 I was awarded the UWA Vice Chancellor’s Sustainable Development Committee Award for my report 'Balancing environmental sustainability and social equity in the provision of rebates for domestic renewable energy systems in Western Australia'.

I also contribute to The Energy Collective and RenewEconomy.